Call Us: 1-800-560-1127

Be a Life Giver!

They key to a successful business is having a network of Advocates singing your praises. It’s called word of mouth marketing and it works every time it’s implemented. One aspect often neglected in an Advocate Culture is making yourself an advocate for others. In other words “Be a Life Giver” by giving life to other people’s business. How many people or how many of your customers if asked who their advocates were would give your name? Are you considered a Center of Influence in the community? Make it your business to send business to others. Actively solicit business for your customers, friends and business contacts. Set a weekly “Life Giver” goal and make being a Life Giver a priority. By doing this the number of your advocates will increase exponentially.

SCMG, Inc.
9 Laurelwood Dr
Covington, LA, 70435
(800) 560-1127

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