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Disconnecting From A Connected World

I read two different articles over the last two days that both had a lot in common. One was about a “Do Not Disturb” feature on the new iPhone operating system IOS6. This new feature gives you the option to set up the phone so that no communication can be received at whatever times you designate. The other article asks the question, “Should you handle work email on your smartphone“. It addressed the limits of working vs. not working around the clock or asking when do we stop working.

For better or worse we live in a world where we’re connected 24/7 to our personal and business life. They exist together. If you have a mobile phone and especially a smartphone, then anyone and everyone can contact you at a moment’s notice. The two articles I mentioned give some good insight on managing your time in a connected world and we would say, make use of the do not disturb feature and find a good work/life balance. Here are a few additional tips…

Time Blocking – Where your job function allows it, you should have segments or at least one segment of your workday time-blocked for specific tasks. Especially if you’re in a business development, management or leadership role. If you’re in business development, then working by appointment falls into this category. If you’re in management, your one-on-one meetings fall into this category. Use this time to literally turn off the phone, or use the “do not disturb” feature on your iPhone.

Be in the room – When meeting with others in a formal meeting or one-on-one, avoid pulling out the phone to answer a call or respond to an email or to check the latest notifications from facebook and twitter. In other words, “be in the room” and nowhere else. Nothing is more rude to the people and/or the person you’re meeting with. It doesn’t say to everyone, “look at me and how important and busy I am”. What it does say is, “Look at me and how unorganized and unprofessional I am”. Disclaimer… If you’re in a 3-hour meeting, all bets are off! You know what we think about 3-hour meetings.

Communicate Effectively – When people see that you communicate properly by following up in a timely fashion, returning phone calls, writing effective emails, updating voice mail, etc. you will begin to gain control of how people communicate with you. You’ll find when you communicate effectively that being connected 24/7 actually makes you more available to get work done while allowing you to spend quality time with your family and friends.

These are just a few ideas that will let you disconnect and at the same time be more connected. By being less available, you become more available. In other words, you’re being much more focused and effective during the times you’re connected.

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