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From Terrible to Bad

good to greatWe came across an article the other day titled, “J.C. Penny Shifts from Terrible to Bad“. I guess you have to start somewhere, but I’ve always preferred the philosophy of “Good to Great” by author, Jim Collins. I’m sure the shareholders of JCP are thrilled that they are no longer terrible, but this title made me think about the large number of managers that are beating their heads against the wall trying to turn terrible employees into bad. Some might think you have to start somewhere, but if you’re starting at terrible, you’ve done a very poor job of selecting the right people or you’ve inherited a mess.

Here’s the point… If you have terrible employees, begin by setting non-negotiables and minimum standards. If an employee can’t immediately get to that level, then move him out. Life’s too short to deal with terrible, bad or even average employees. There are far too many employees who are able to be good and even great if remarkably managed. Remember, what’s good for JCP isn’t necessarily good for your team. Don’t settle for anything less than good to great.

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Covington, LA, 70435
(800) 560-1127

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