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Got the time?

clock watchingWe all have the same amount of time each day… 86,400 seconds to be exact. Protect your time, manage your time and respect other’s time. Do these three things and you’ll be amazed how far those seconds will go.

  • Protect your time – Too often we spend time on things we can’t control and on people we can’t fix (lazy, crazy and stupid). Find the time wasters and let them go. Make sure that your time is spent on things that add value to your business, your life and to others.
  • Manage your time – Use a calendar and a task list. Any decent smart phone has them, but it’s amazing how few use them. Respect your calendar and respect other peoples calendars. Make effective use of appointments. Remember, not using a calendar and not setting appointments in order to be more available, actually makes you less available.
  • Respect other’s time – Late for a meeting, causing it to begin late. Talking to hear yourself talk in a meeting and now turning that 10-minute meeting into a mind-numbing 1-hour meeting. Forgetting about an appointment because you don’t use a calendar. These are just three examples of not respecting others. Respect other people’s time and they will respect yours.

We could go on with many more examples and could elaborate on the areas above, but hopefully you get the point. And… For the sake of time, we kept this short.

SCMG, Inc.
9 Laurelwood Dr
Covington, LA, 70435
(800) 560-1127

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