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It’s a 24/7 World… Keeping Up?

basketball-court-backgroundsWe came across this article, The Jordan Effect, which really hits the mark when it comes to focusing on your work before or after you punch the so-called time clock. We get news 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, we’re constantly connected through social media and a majority of the population has a smartphone to keep up with pretty much everything and everyone.

So here’s the point… If you want to get ahead at work, be truly remarkable and have a fulfilling career, start thinking outside the clock, outside the 9 to 5 workday. We’re not saying you need to be a workaholic or neglect your family. But we are saying, pay attention when you’re outside the workday and work hours and start recognizing opportunities, start planting seeds and start building your career. The smarter you work outside the clock, the more remarkable you will be at work and the more fulfilling life will be outside of work. Make The Jordan Effect work for you.

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(800) 560-1127

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