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Make a U Turn

It’s easy to go about life and work and point out failures of others and where they need to improve. It’s easy to look at an organization and point out imperfections, criticize leaders or the boss. It’s really easy to see the faults of those closest to us such as our coworkers, friends and family (spouses are excluded from this list if you have any sense). The more difficult path and quite possibly the right path is to look at yourself.

Think about it…

  • Didn’t get that raise or promotion? Maybe it wasn’t the fault of your boss that you think has it in for you, a coworker sabotaging your career or other excuses that can be conjured up. Maybe it’s you.
  • Not hitting your goals at work? Maybe it isn’t because the goal is too high or that it’s summer and things are just slow right now. Maybe it’s you.
  • Not getting along with others around you? Maybe they don’t hate you. Maybe they really aren’t talking about you behind your back. Maybe it’s just you.
  • You’re constantly dealing with problem customers? Maybe they aren’t bad people. Maybe their bad day or service experience began with you.
  • Can’t keep good employees? Maybe it’s not the pay. It may be you.

Whatever “it” is that’s causing bad things to happen may not be circumstance, other people’s fault or the so-called forces of the universe that are out to get you. “It” may entirely rest on you. What are you doing? Here’s a tip… go into situations and circumstances with the mindset of  understanding “How am I impacting or affecting the situation?”. Keep in mind that actions (or inaction), words and even body language matter. If possible, before reacting to situations, wait a few hours or even a day to think and reflect on it before acting or speaking. Odds are you’ll handle the situation much better. Also remember the phrase, “Like Attracts Like”. Quite often you’re getting what you’re giving. Lastly, cater to the best, not the problems. Focus on the best employees and what they need. Focus on the best friends (the low maintenance ones) and quit trying to fix the high drama friends. Lastly, don’t complain about what you’re not getting from the organization and start directing you energy towards what you’re giving. Make a U Turn and enjoy the change!

SCMG, Inc.
9 Laurelwood Dr
Covington, LA, 70435
(800) 560-1127

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