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Out of Focus

Where is your focus? Too often people focus on the wrong things and as a result end up in the wrong place. As a manager and leader, life becomes much easier and rewarding when you’re focusing on the right things. Here are a few examples…

  • Focused on activity instead of results – Performing adds to the bottom line. Unfortunately, many managers promote and recognize employees for just trying. You can certainly encourage someone for effort but when it comes to team meetings and public recognition, the focus should be on performance. Asking 10 customers to buy is fine but if no sales occur, is it time well spent? Don’t fall into the trap of putting quotas on activity such as calls, appointments and pitching product.
  • Focused on quantity instead of quality – Recognize the employee that sold two cars this week, not the one that updated the email addresses for 20 customers. Twenty is not greater than two in this case. In your team meetings, recognize those who are adding the most to the bottom line.
  • Focused on the bottom 90% instead of the top 10% – This applies to your employees as well as your customers. Remember, you can’t fix lazy, crazy and stupid. Spend time thanking your advocates and developing satisfied customers into advocates. Spend time supporting your top performers. It’s easier helping them double performance than trying to get under performers to the point of meeting expectations.

If your focus is not adding to the net gain of the organization, you might be out of focus. Make some adjustments and refocus.

SCMG, Inc.
9 Laurelwood Dr
Covington, LA, 70435
(800) 560-1127

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