Call Us: 1-800-560-1127

What are you?

Are you a banker or do you just work in a bank? Are you a builder or do you just happen to work for a carpenter and drive nails? Pick your business or industry and apply the same question. Years ago in high school I worked on a rice farm. Did it for two years and I was never a farmer, I just worked on a farm. I showed up for work and gave a good effort. However, I didn’t really understand farming and I didn’t make a real attempt to learn, I had no passion for the job and it certainly was never going to be a career. I was there for the paycheck. I had to work, I needed money and it was a job so I did it. If you’re a high school kid just trying to make a few bucks for the weekend that’s fine. But if you’re an adult and in this same spot then what a sad commentary that is. Unfortunately, we see it all the time (79% of the time because we measure it)… employees just going through the motions, no goals, no passion and no direction. Think about it and then answer the question… What are you?

SCMG, Inc.
9 Laurelwood Dr
Covington, LA, 70435
(800) 560-1127

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