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What do you really think of your customers?

We hear comments all the time from bankers that “we love our customers” or “we care” or “we give great service”. But what do you really think of your customers? Your actions often tell the real story. We’ve written a few blog posts over the years about being a life-giver. In other words, sending business to your best customers. What’s sad is when we ask this question of branch managers, loan officers and business development officers we rarely get a good response. Of all the goals these bankers have, rarely do they set a goal for referring business to their best customers. Why not? By sending or not sending business to these customers you are sending a loud signal as to what you really think of them. Likewise, the number of customers sending business your way is just as clear a signal. The days of sitting at your desk, waiting for the walk-in customer are history. Make it a priority to send business to your best customers. Make personal introductions. Become a center of influence. If you focus as much on sending business as you do trying to attract business you’ll soon find out that others will be developing business on your behalf. It’s called Advocacy. Create a Culture of Advocacy and you will be the best banker and the most profitable bank in your market.

SCMG, Inc.
9 Laurelwood Dr
Covington, LA, 70435
(800) 560-1127

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