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What Do You Expect?

bike-canyon_1666343iHere’s a phrase to always keep in mind… “Don’t expect what you’re not giving.” It’s probably not the most popular phrase or widely accepted phrase in the entitlement culture we live in today, but it’s very accurate. Typically, most people expect way more out of their work, their boss and their customers than they are giving to each of those. Over the years, we’ve heard lots of gripes and right away begin to think… what do you expect. Here’s our top 10 “What do you expect?”…

  1. Why didn’t I get that raise? – You’ve been giving 80% at work and the other 20% went to social media, i.e., facebook, texting, personal calls, etc. You might want to keep quiet and be happy you didn’t get a pay cut, or worse.
  2. Why are customers so mean? – Put a mirror by your desk. You’re scaring them! It’s amazing the effect a smile will have.
  3. Why doesn’t my boss ever pat me on the back for doing a good job? – You might not being doing a good job and may be working outside of your talents… Or, you might have a bad boss. Either way, it might be time for a change or a one-on-one talk with your boss for honest feedback.
  4. Why don’t customers refer business to me? – When’s the last time you referred business to them? Refer multiple times to your customers and earn the right to ask them for the same in return.
  5. My company owes me. – All you’re owed is a paycheck for work done and a decent working environment. Seniority and experience mean nothing without productivity and results.
  6. Why do my coworkers keep talking negatively about me? – Consider the source. Are the top producers saying this? Then you have a problem and you’re it. Are the disengaged and paycheck collectors saying this? Don’t worry about them. Their opinion doesn’t matter. If everyone in the office really is “out to get you”, consider a change, unless you’re way overpaid. In that case you might want to make the best of it.
  7. People should respect my position. – If you have to say it, you probably don’t deserve it. You may be a level 1 leader as defined by , John Maxwell. One that is a leader by title only. Perform and people will respect you.
  8. Why doesn’t anyone listen to my ideas? – It’s one of two things… Are your ideas in the form of a complaint? The issue is probably you.  Are your ideas innovative and well thought out? The issue is probably your manager. Might be time for another one-on-one or going to your boss’s boss. Proceed at your own risk.
  9. I’m the only one working hard around here – If true, and you can score/measure results compared to everyone else, then find a new team. If it’s just a feeling, you might be overstating your value compared others. Don’t make the mistake of overstating your value while understating the value of others. This happens a lot. Keep in mind, income and profits are not based on feelings.
  10. That will will never work here – News flash!!! It’s really not different here. This is the end-all line for the Status Quo Protector. We’ve heard this thousands of times and is almost always based on not wanting to innovate. If this is your “go to” statement… well, you know… Stop It! Or… time for a change.

While we tried to have a little fun with these, they’re all very true and the advice is spot on. If you find yourself using any of these phrases on a consistent basis, there’s still hope. The first step is knowing you have a problem. The next step is up to you.


SCMG, Inc.
9 Laurelwood Dr
Covington, LA, 70435
(800) 560-1127

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