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Deposit Acquisition is as simple as a phone call

Deposit acquisition… That’s what the banks want. They pay trainers with all the latest techniques and recycled sales ideas, they buy complex and fancy customer management systems and mostly they talk about what they are going to do to gain deposits but never actually get around to it. But here’s the secret to it all… implementing a systematic approach to contacting your customers and building relationships as well as spotting obvious transactional opportunities.

Click the audio button below and take two minutes to listen to these two employees share their experience in gaining customer deposits by making a simple phone call to a customer. These employees have a disciplined, systematic approach to staying in touch with their customers and building relationships. This approach is rare in banking which is why most banks aren’t growing core deposits. It’s all about implementation. How are you insuring implementation?

SCMG, Inc.
9 Laurelwood Dr
Covington, LA, 70435
(800) 560-1127

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